Australian Flag Blue = blue, rose pink and violet
Deep Violet = Violet and Rubine add a little Ponceau red
Blackcurrant = rose and violet mix to shade required
Orchid Green = 1/3 pearl mint, 2/3 lemon, and corn four
Khaki Green = lime green and a hint of brown
Flesh for Modelling People = flesh a little pale pink and a grain or two of orange
Buttercup Yellow = 1/3 yellow and 2/3 lemon mixed with corn four
Tinkerbelle Pink = pale pink and a hint of violet
Rust = brown, orange and a hint of yellow
Old Fashioned Gold = equal quantities gold and silver
Old Fashioned Rose = Rubine, pale pink and corn flour
Champagne = gold, lemon, flesh and corn flour
Teal Blue = lemon and a hint of blue